It's hard to believe, but the new school year is almost here and I can't wait to get started!
Over the past few weeks I have been busy decorating, organizing, planning,
and getting the classroom ready for all of my incoming first graders!
I can't wait to meet you all at the Meet Your Teacher event on
Wednesday, August 29th from 5:00-6:30pm.
If you already have them, please feel free to bring your school supplies that night,
along with the important paperwork that was mailed to your home. Students will be able to organize their materials in their desks and find their coat hook in the hallway. I also encourage families to walk around the building that night, helping your first grader familiarize him/herself with the location of important places (restrooms, the cafeteria, the front office, the nurse, our classroom - room 121!)
I also look forward to meeting families at the Getting to Know You meetings on
Thursday, August 30th.
These meetings are a great opportunity for me to learn all the special, wonderful things about your child and
These meetings are a great opportunity for me to learn all the special, wonderful things about your child and
for us to discuss hopes and goals for the school year.
If you haven't signed up for a time slot yet,
please click here to choose a time that works for your family.
I am excited to get to know more about all of my new first grade friends!
See you soon!