Questions & Answers...

What time is school?
School hours are from 8:35 am-3:15 pm.  
Please do not arrive any earlier than 8:15 unless your child is eating breakfast at school.  Breakfast begins at 8:05 am and is optional. Please discuss with your child if s/he should be eating breakfast at school or not. 
At dismissal, cars pick up children in front of school and buses pick up in the back. 

What if I need to change my child's transportation home?
If a change in transportation is needed (such as picking your child up instead of riding the bus) send a note in your child's folder or send me an email before school starts.  If a change occurs during the school day, please call the office.  
I am unable to check voice mail or email during instructional time.  

If you wish to pick your child up before the end of the school day, check in with the office and they will call down to the classroom.  School policy states that any visitor in the building must stop in the office, sign in, and wear a visitor's badge.
What if my child is absent?
If your child is absent for any reason, call the school office at 651-621-7601.  

Why do they bring a folder home each night?
Students will bring home their designated "Take Home Folder" every night.  
Any notes, forms or money that needs to be sent to school should be put in their Take Home Folder.  Folders will be checked at school every day.  Please do the same every night.  Use their daily work to review with your child what they learned in school that day.  Your child should return the Take Home Folder to school each day. Feel free to replace lost or worn folders during the year as needed.  

How will I know what is happening at school?
A classroom newsletter is sent home each week.
It includes important information about our school, classroom, and homework.
A school-wide electronic newsletter titled The Sunnyside Scoop is also available twice a month. 

Our classroom blog is designed to provide additional information to families about our classroom.  I update it throughout the year.  

Do students eat snack in second grade?
This year, due to COVID 19, we will not be having snack at school.

What do students eat for lunch?
Students will eat lunch at school daily.  They may bring a cold lunch from home or purchase a hot lunch with milk from the school.  Additional milk is also available for purchase.  Lunch menus will be available online each month.  The students choose the main or alternate meal each morning when the lunch count is taken.  

Students are assigned a PIN number which will need to be memorized to access their lunch account.  Money for lunch can be deposited online or be sent to school in their folder.  Please label an envelope with your child’s name, teacher, and PIN number. Checks should be written to Mounds View Public Schools.

What is recess like?
Students go out for recess daily.  If the weather is too cold or wet, the office staff may call for indoor recess if necessary.  Weather can change quickly.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately each day.  Students need to zip, tie, and dress themselves.  Practice at home if needed.  If your child does not know how to tie their shoelaces, please use slip-on shoes and shoes with Velcro until they have tying mastered. 

What if my child loses something?
Sunnyside's Lost and Found is located in the hallway to the right of the main doors. Unclaimed Items are donated twice a year.  Please label your child's backpack, jacket, snow pants, hats, mittens, boots, etc. with their name to avoid lost items. Please leave toys or extra personal items at home.  Clothing, jewelry, and accessories should not distract a student from their learning.

Will there be field trips?
Due to COVID 19, we will be limited in our field trip experiences this year. Please look to weekly newsletters for any information.

How do I know how my child is doing in school?
Formal reports about your child's progress are posted online through the portal in Parent Vue. Families are able to access it whenever they wish. Updates are made throughout the school year rather than being limited by specific grading periods. Please contact the front office if you need help setting up this account. 
Informal feedback regarding progress will also be sent home and/or communicated numerous times throughout the year. 
Formal Family Communication Meetings will be held in September, November, January and March to discuss goals for your child. 
If any questions or concerns come up at other times, please contact me by email, phone, or send a note in your child's folder.