Birthdays are Special Days!
Birthdays will be celebrated on, or close to, your child's actual birthday (depending on weekends and vacations). Summer birthdays will either be celebrated on the half-birthday or the last week of school.
We invite a special person from your child's life to come in to read a book to the class to help us celebrate. The book should be of your child's choosing. I will send home a reminder slip at the beginning of your child's birthday month to let you know on which day and time we will celebrate. Plan on spending about fifteen to twenty minutes with the class. If you are unavailable to attend, please do not worry! I will find someone special from Sunnyside to come in and read to the class on your child's special day! :)
Edible birthday treats are not allowed. Please do not send any edible treats. If your child wishes to bring a special something for the rest of the class, please consider non-food items. The kids love pencils, erasers, temporary tattoos, stickers, etc.